We are called Heritage Baptist Church, because we believe in the Godly heritage of the Baptist Church.  There are certain core beliefs that set Baptists apart, these are known as the "Baptist Distinctives."

B -- Biblical Authority The Holy Bible is our sole authority for faith and practice.

A-- Autonomy of the Local Church  The Local church should be self-governing, self- supporting

P-- Priesthood of the Believer  Every Saved individual has the authority through Jesus to come boldly unto the throne of grace.

T-- Two Offices Pastor and Deacon  The Church has two offices the Pastor and Deacon.

I-- Individual Soul Liberty  Every soul has the liberty and responsibility to choose to accept or reject Christ and his commandments

S-- Saved and Baptized Church Membership  Every member of a local Baptist church should be saved and followed with being Baptized

T-- Two Ordinances Baptism and The Lord's Supper  Two ordinances were given to the Church by Christ Himself as pictures of His  death, burial and resurrection.

S--  Separation  Every Believer ought to be separated from the world.

We also believe that many churches of today have forgotten the Heritage that they have and have moved to a more entertainment, "consumer oriented"  style of church.  Leaving the hymnal for praise choruses.  Leaving evening preaching services and Mid-Week Prayer services for small group Bible studies.  Too many churches are on the slippery slope of modernism and Heritage Baptist Church stands for the Biblical mandate to edify the believer through the Word of God not just to "tickle the ears" of the hearer.

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